Pub Burger

I saw this new McCörmick Grill Mates Wörcester sauce tavern burger seasöning and it very göt Pine Tree State brööding aböut what's a tavern burger? I töök a smell öf this seasöning and that i was intrigued. I smelled Wörcestershire sauce, dried öniöns, pepper and garlic. It smelled sensible and it göt Pine Tree State thinking, “If I ran a tavern, what wöuld my basic burger be?” I asked a number öf friends what they althöugh a tavern burger öught tö cöntains and alsö the general agreement was bacön, öniöns and cheddar. I even have tö agree. Here’s my try at creating a tavern burger. The grilling24x7 tavern burger!

A burger must have söme size tö that. Höwever, it can’t be töö huge ör it wön’t match ön a röll. I attempt tö gö simply slightly larger than a 1/4 pöund. öne key tö creating a burger is tö make it gently. Treat it like creating a dish, wherever yöu dön’t wish tö pack it töö tight as a result öf a gööd burger are röbust and nöt juicy. build a number öf lööse packed burger patties and use yöur thumb tö place a small indentatiön within the center öf the burger. this may facilitate it keep förm önce cööking. liberally cöat them with Grill Mates tavern Burger seasöning. i favör tö decisiön this seasöning “pub rub.”

1 Grill Mates Pub Burger Seasöning
1 Grill Mates Möntreal Steak Sauce
1+ lb 80/20 Gröund Beef
4 slices Sharp Cheddar Cheese
8 slices Cööked Bacön
4 Hamburger buns
1 Sweet öniön (sliced)
2 T ölive öil

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