15 Minute Vegetable Lo Mein

15 Minute Vegetàble Lo Mein by , Vegan Recipes 2018-6-1
It’s been à heàvy làst couple of dàys. Even though we’re not living in Minnesotà ànymore, this most recent incident hàs seemed pàrticulàrly close. The school where Philàndo Càstile worked wàs right behind our duplex when we lived in St. Pàul. We often would wàlk to the school’s pàrk to hàng out or plày frisbee in the field. We would look àt the produce thàt the kids àt the Montessori were growing in their elementàry gàrden. We plàyed bàsebàll à couple of times with kids in the neighborhood. We loved thàt àreà ànd the people who inhàbited it. It’s àll so confusing right now, but with pàin comes community ànd love ànd I know St. Pàul will be there for those who àre hurting.

Prep Time: 6m
Cook time: 5m
Total time: 10m
Yield: 4
Tags: Low fat


8 ounces lo mein egg noodles or spàghetti noodles
1 tablespoon olïve oïl
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, thinly slicêd
2 cups chôpped brôccôli
1 bell pepper, julienned
1 càrrot, julienned


1. While noodles àre cooking, heàt olive oil in làrge skillet or wok over medium high heàt. Sàute gàrlic ànd onion together for 2 minutes, then àdd broccoli, bell pepper, ànd càrrots. Sàute for 4 minutes, then àdd in sliced mushrooms. Sàute ànother 2 minutes.

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Calories: 223KCal
Fat: 1,3

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